BAKER, ‘Husie’ (Garry Douglas) Of Wairarapa, formerly Hawkes Bay. On 14th March 2022 peacefully at Hawkes Bay Hospital after a brave battle. Aged 66 years. Dearly loved, caring and loving husband of Julie. Loved Dad of Nicole and Dasi Yee, Courtney and Brad. Adored ‘Husie’of Tommy, Levi, and Dani. Loved brother, brother-in-law, uncle and friend to many. In lieu of flowers a donation to Margaret Stewart House, would be appreciated and may be made direct to 060577 0064826 02 – ref: MSH IM Baker Under current restrictions we are restricted to 100 attendees and have already reached that limit, however, Garry’s service will be livestreamed on Saturday 19th March 2022 at 10.30am via his tribute page at www.tributes.co.nz Messages to the Baker family C/- P.O. Box 185, Carterton 5743 or left on his tribute page.
AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FROM THE FAMILY Julie, Nicole and Dasi, Courtney and Brad; Tommy, Levi, and Dani wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all who have supported them in so many ways during Garry’s illness and at the time of his passing. To those who expressed their sympathy by way of cards, letters, flowers, food, phonecalls visits and tributes – thank you. A special thanks to all who cared for Garry; to Ray and all who contributed to his farewell in a manner he would have approved of; to the Greytown Fire Brigade for their ‘last call’ tribute and to all who attended the service in person or virtually. It is comforting to know that Garry (Husie) had touched the lives of so many wonderful people. Please accept this as a personal acknowledgement of our sincere appreciation.
